
16 February 2013

Radek Pituch Artillerie Beobachtungspanzerwagen III Ausf. H

Image Credit : Radek Pituch
Another great build by Radek Pituch. This time an artilerry observer tank, based on Pzkpfw III Ausf. H.
Yes, one of the longest names of all german panzers, the BeobPzWg III, mine built on a Pzkpfw III Ausf. H chassis, the old dragon release slightly updated with copper, aluminium and sheet plastic for the turret skirts along with a set of the common Pzkpfw III/StuG III/40 type tracks (open horn) from Modelkasten. To make the vehicle even more interesting I added a coating of zimmerit. There are archive photos showing these vehicles in such outfit from Normandy and Hungary as well. And the latter means a lot because it means that these vehicles survived at least 1 year of heavy fightings (these conversions were made in early 1943 when the earlier Ausffuhrungs (E-H) became totally obsolete by the time of the outbreak of the Zitadelle. I haven't done a triclor camouflage for a very long time and frankly speaking I was hestitating painting it on this vehicle (many of these were originally monotone or wore a two tone camouflage). But I decided to give it a try and started working with Lifecolors. I used a standard set of rotbraun and olivegruen (flashed with a bit of gelbbraun). The base color was done with a mix of gelbbraun and light dust colors. More to follow shortly since I want this model ready for Bytom contest (March 2nd). So yet a month to work on it.  
Source: Radek Pituch Blog
Absolutely great build!

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