
06 March 2013

Radek Pituch French Hotchkiss

The latest update from Radek Pituch features French Hotchkiss in German's color and markings. Hotchkiss H39 in 7th SS Gebirgs Division "Prinz Eugen" colors and markings.

The Hotchkiss H39 is an improved version of H35 version. Improvements in H39 include stronger engine and more powerful 37mm tank gun. The tank was to be used by the French cavalry, however after the battle of France, it was pressed into service with the German army.

The 7th SS Gebirgs Division "Prinz Eugen" is one of Germany's mountain division. This particular division consists of volunteers and is primarily an infantry division. They are used primarily as occupation force and the division was stationed in Yugoslavia.

Check out the build on Radek Pituch blog beute Hotchkiss H39, 7. SS Gebirgs Division "Prinz Eugen" - getting it done

For more info on the Hotchkiss H39 and 7th SS Gebirgs Division, check out the following links :

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