
17 March 2013

Tankograd 1st Armored Division In Germany

The 1st Armored Division "Old Ironsides" is the oldest and most prestigious armored division in the US. It participated in WW2, fighting in North Africa and Italy. It participated ini numerous campaigns around the world. A new book from Tankograd, covers the division posting in Germany between 1971 to 2011. The 1st Armored Division has now been moved back to Fort Bliss, Texas, United States. The book is in pre-order state right now, with delivery expected to start in mid March 2013.

The division assignment to Germany was the result of its veterans to keep the division active after US withdrawal from the Vietnam war.

The early 1970's brought the withdrawal of American Forces from Vietnam and a major restructuring of the Army. Old Ironsides was rumored to be on the list of units to be inactivated. Veterans of the Division organized a letter-writing campaign to "save" the 1st Armored Division. Their efforts were rewarded when on 10 May 1971, 1st Armored Division left its home at Fort Hood, Texas to replace the 4th Armored Division in Germany. There Old Ironsides marched into its second half century celebrating victory in the Cold War. This was a triumph symbolized by the fall of the Berlin Wall, the unification of Germany, and the crumbling of East European, communist regimes. 
Source: Global Security

As Vietnam wound down, the United States turned its attention back to the Cold War in Europe. The 1st Armored Division was moved to Germany in 1971, home based in the West German city of Ansbach. The Division remained in Germany for the next twenty years as part of the American forces committed to a NATO defense of Europe. 
Source: Military Vet Shop
Tankograd description of the book promises unpublished photographs during the division deployment in Germany. For modern armor fans, this book is a must have.

Check with your local hobby shop for availability or visit Amazon for online purchase or direct from Tankograd.

Image Credit : Tankograd

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